The < Scarlet Concorde > is a guild aiming to continue into Cataclysm and run through the raids fully on HC and rediscover (or discover for the first time) the things that made Cataclysm such a divisive expansion in Warcraft history. We currently sit at 12/12HC in ICC and are dipping into RS HC on occasion in future.
Currently lead by an experienced 12/12 HC core of players, we aim to bring alts through ICC and enjoy the different playstyles and classes, push bosses down on them, go achievement hunting, mount collecting and such for the rest of Wrath of the Lich King. PUGs currently make up our main roster.
Mondays through Fridays @ 20:00 ST are stable nights, but runs happen pretty regularly outside of this timeframe as well.
We're happy to accept alts, achievement hunters, casual fishing enjoyers and socials to build us up into Cataclysm this summer. Please reach out to us via our Discord below.
Discord server:
Reach out to us via our Discord server:
No schedule has been set.
Scarlet Concorde is not recruiting at this time.
What activities is Scarlet Concorde recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Scarlet Concorde?