Long standing hardcore guild with a tight-knit community, focused on speedrunning.
Speedrun history:
NA Horde #2 AQ40
NA Horde #1 Naxxramas
World #6 Karazhan
World #5 SSC
World #4 BT
World #3 SWP
World #10 Ulduar
Progress history:
World #9 SWP
World #3 Naxx
World #1 Sarth 3D
World #4 Malygos
NA/EU #1 A Tribute to Immortality TOGC
Recruitment is always open to all exceptional players, especially multiclassers. Feel free to apply if you think you'd be a good fit.
Transfers are welcome to apply (Whitemane is not locked)
Sun/Mon/Tues/Thurs 9:30-1AM EST (Main raid days)
We've published our raid/guild management sheet for anyone to use!
As informações de contato não foram definidas
SF plays 4 times per week for a total of 13 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Seg | 01:45 | 3h 15m |
Ter | 01:45 | 3h 15m |
Qua | 01:45 | 3h 15m |
Sex | 01:45 | 3h 15m |
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SF is not recruiting at this time.
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