A semi-hc guild focused on ensuring everyone sees all the content available that they want to see in an expedient manner.
Currently solidifying roster with many people from all walks of life, with a variety of focuses. We offer a home to those interested in mainly pvp, or pve, or just a casual hangout.
Our raiding ideology is to enable people to play both their mains and their alts by offering 10 and 25man content regularly throughout the week so they can avoid pugging as much as possible.
Our main raid day is currently Tuesday for one team, and Thursday for the other.
Semi-HC can mean a variety of different things, so what it means to us is:
Discord: marshmarrow
Random plays 2 times per week for a total of 8 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Qua | 00:00 | 4 horas |
Sex | 01:00 | 4 horas |
Não foram encontrados relatórios recentes o suficiente para gerar uma composição.
Random is not recruiting at this time.
Invasões, PvP, Social, Masmorras
What activities is Random recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Random?