Guild Achievements:
- 3rd on Whitemane Server for SWP speed 49:47
- 6th on Whitemane Server for BT speed 1:13:22
- 9th on Whitemane Server for T6 progression 14/14 first day clear - 6th Horde overall
- SSC 56:30
- TK 58:57
- 9th on Whitemane Server for T5 progression 10/10 First week clear - 5th Horde overall
We are recruiting any and all exceptional players who feel they would be a strong asset to our guild.
Holy Paladin Prot Paladin Boomkin Survival Hunter Resto Shaman
All players are expected to come to the raid fully prepared and knowledgeable about encounters or how the guild will be approaching the raid. Resources will be provided to raiders on the specific strategy/tactical differences that our guild does. Trials should come in with an open mindset and be open when it comes to criticism. The raid strives to improve and the way to get there is by supporting each other, and always looking at opportunities to improve.
Loot is handled by loot council. High priority pieces are given to those who it would benefit the most. Performance, attitude, attendance, are all factors that are taken into account when handling loot. If you are a loot driven player and all you want is loot look elsewhere.
Apply HERE ->
As informações de contato não foram definidas
This is Fine plays 2 times per week for a total of 8 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Ter | 13:00 | 4 horas |
Qua | 13:00 | 4 horas |
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This is Fine is recruiting!
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