Radon is a well established guild, formed within the first week of classic on Nethergarde Keep, we have been consistently progressing all content quickly throughout all expansions. Our guild has a strong social core, putting emphasis on continuous improvement of raid quality and a positive social atmosphere. We are currently running splits through 25-man content and will continue to do so in Cataclysm.
We expect you to be knowledgeable about your class, have a high raid attendance and come to raids prepared with consumables, enchants, and an understanding of the mechanics. We're searching for players that value the progression of the guild as a team over loot priority and a sour raid atmosphere.
For our Cataclysm progress and beyond we are looking for like-minded individuals to bolster our roster.
Radon - Tuesday/Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
Current progress: See logs
We are running 2 split raids per week, with every few weeks being a full-main blast. We expect you to have 2 active characters in our roster (split character can be flexible)
We are currently recruiting:
Considering all exceptional applicants
Loot system: Loot Council (RCLC)
For further information, contact sol1111 on Discord, Sol in game or any officer online.
sol1111 on discord, SOLǃ#2849 on bnet
Radon plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Ter | 19:00 | 3 horas |
Qui | 19:00 | 3 horas |
Radon is recruiting!
What activities is Radon recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Radon?