Epoch of Thought is a large guild consisting of a diverse roster and raids to support different play styles.
We currently run 4 full fledged 25man raid teams in WotLK Classic (All times in PST):
Raid E - Wed/Th, 6-10pm - Semi-hardcore environment; Hard-mode/Achievement focused
Raid O - Tu/Wed, 6:30-9:30pm - Casual environment committed to clearing content with a time-limited schedule.
Raid T - Tu/Th, 8:30pm-11:30pm - Semi-hardcore environment; Hard-mode/Achievement focused; Splits encouraged,
Raid D - Fri/Sat, 5:30-9-:30pm - Semi-hardcore environment;
We are recruiting a number of classes/roles. Please reach out to an officer in game or (mex#2916)/(ajax#7682) on discord for more information.
Find us on discord: https://discord.gg/JuHHSXe
Join our discord server and reach out to any Lead.
Epoch of Thought plays 7 times per week for a total of 27 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Seg | 03:00 | 4 horas |
Ter | 03:30 | 3h 30m |
Qua | 03:30 | 3h 30m |
Qui | 03:00 | 4 horas |
Sex | 03:00 | 4 horas |
Sáb | 00:30 | 4 horas |
Dom | 00:30 | 4 horas |
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Epoch of Thought is recruiting!
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