Officers in the guild can click empty squares to designate a character as being on the bench for the entire night. Benched players show up with a gold background.
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Officers in the guild can click empty squares to designate a character as being on the bench for the entire night. Benched players show up with a gold background.
| Att.%
| |
Blondebunny | 100% | 1 |
Bubbuhh | 100% | 1 |
Cappuccinoz | 100% | 1 |
Cornflakez | 100% | 1 |
Crimsonavo | 100% | 1 |
Eligos | 100% | 1 |
Esgaroth | 100% | 1 |
Hazzius | 100% | 1 |
Iareskilled | 100% | 1 |
Jqualin | 100% | 1 |
Khyba | 100% | 1 |
Lothamir | 100% | 1 |
Lovesgunts | 100% | 1 |
Ocia | 100% | 1 |
Pipschick | 100% | 1 |
Shwing | 100% | 1 |
Sovietbear | 100% | 1 |
Thormaholy | 100% | 1 |
Tydro | 100% | 1 |
Uwntboomboom | 100% | 1 |
Vandazel | 100% | 1 |
Zugzugtree | 100% | 1 |